
    Copyright (C) 2012  G. Gonthier, B. Ziliani, A. Nanevski, D. Dreyer

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From mathcomp
Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun.
From LemmaOverloading
Require Import heaps stmod stsep stlog.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.

Class Update (h1 h2 k1 k2 : heap) :=
  { rest : heap; update1 : h1 = k1 :+ rest; update2 : h2 = k2 :+ rest}.

Arguments update1 [h1 h2 k1 k2].
Arguments update2 [h1 h2 k1 k2].
Arguments rest [h1 h2 k1 k2].

Instance found_struct k1 k2 : Update k1 k2 k1 k2 | 1 := {| rest := empty |}.
Next Obligation. by rewrite unh0. Qed.
Next Obligation. by rewrite unh0. Qed.

Instance left_struct l h1 h2 k1 k2 (f : Update h1 h2 k1 k2) :
  Update (l :+ h1) (l :+ h2) k1 k2 | 2 := {| rest := (l :+ rest f) |}.
Next Obligation.
have H : h1 = k1 :+ (rest f) by eapply (update1 f).
by rewrite -unCA -H.
Next Obligation.
have H : h2 = k2 :+ (rest f) by eapply (update2 f).
by rewrite -unCA -H.

Instance right_struct l h1 h2 k1 k2 (f : Update h1 h2 k1 k2) :
  Update (h1 :+ l) (h2 :+ l) k1 k2 | 2 := {| rest := (rest f :+ l) |}.
Next Obligation.
have H : h1 = k1 :+ (rest f) by eapply (update1 f).
by rewrite unA -H.
Next Obligation.
have H : h2 = k2 :+ (rest f) by eapply (update2 f).
by rewrite unA -H.

Notation cont A := (ans A -> heap -> Prop).

Section EvalWriteR.
Variables (A B C : Type).

Lemma bnd_writeR s (v : A) (w : C) x h1 h2
(f : Update h1 h2 (x:->v) (x:->w)) (r : cont B) :
        verify (s tt) h1 r ->
        verify (bind_s (write_s x v) s) h2 r.
set l := rest f.
have H1 : h1 = (x :-> v) :+ l by eapply (update1 f).
have H2 : h2 = (x :-> w) :+ l by eapply (update2 f).
by rewrite H1 H2; apply: bnd_write.

End EvalWriteR.

Section EvalDeallocR.
Variables (A B : Type).

Lemma bnd_deallocR s (v : A) x h1 h2
  (f : Update h1 h2 empty (x:->v)) (r : cont B) :
        verify (s tt) h1 r ->
        verify (bind_s (dealloc_s x) s) h2 r.
set l := rest f.
have H1 : h1 = empty :+ l by eapply (update1 f).
have H2 : h2 = (x :-> v) :+ l by eapply (update2 f).
by rewrite H1 H2 un0h; apply bnd_dealloc.

End EvalDeallocR.

Class Find1 (h k : heap) :=
  { rest1 : heap; heq1 : h = k :+ rest1}.

Instance ffound_struct1 k : Find1 k k | 1 := {| rest1 := empty|}.
Next Obligation. by rewrite unh0. Qed.

Instance fleft_struct1 l r k (f : Find1 l k) :
  Find1 (l :+ r) k | 2 := {| rest1 := rest1 :+ r |}.
Next Obligation. by rewrite unA -heq1. Qed.

Instance fright_struct1 l r k (f : Find1 r k) :
  Find1 (l :+ r) k | 2 := {| rest1 := l :+ rest1 |}.
Next Obligation. by rewrite unCA -heq1. Qed.

Section EvalDoR.
Variables (A B : Type).

Lemma val_doR (s : spec A) h i (r : cont A) (f : Find1 h i) :
         s.1 i ->
         (forall x m,
               s.2 (Val x) i m -> def (m :+ rest1) -> r (Val x) (m :+ rest1)) ->
         (forall e m,
               s.2 (Exn e) i m -> def (m :+ rest1) -> r (Exn e) (m :+ rest1)) ->
         verify s h r.
move=>H1 H2 H3.
generalize (heq1 (h:=h))=>H.
rewrite H.
by apply: (val_do (i:=i) (j:=rest1)).

End EvalDoR.

Example ex_val_do (s : spec nat) (r : cont nat) (x y : ptr) :
         s.1 (y:->2) ->
         (forall x' m,
               s.2 (Val x') (y:->2) m -> def (x:->1:+m) -> r (Val x') (x:->1:+m)) ->
         (forall e m,
               s.2 (Exn e) (y:->2) m -> def (x:->1:+m) -> r (Exn e) (x:->1:+m)) ->
         verify s (x:->1 :+ y:->2) r.
move=>H1 H2 H3.
apply: (val_doR _ (i:=y:->2))=>//=.
- by move=>x'' m''; rewrite unh0 unC; apply: H2.
by move=>x'' m''; rewrite unh0 unC; apply: H3.

Example ex_bwd i x1 x2 (e : unit -> spec nat) q:
          verify (e tt) (i :+ (x1 :-> 1 :+ x2 :-> 4)) q ->
          verify (bind_s (write_s x2 4) e) (i :+ (x1 :-> 1 :+ x2 :-> 2)) q.
by apply: bnd_writeR.

Example ex_fwd i x1 x2 (e : unit -> spec nat) q:
          verify (e tt) (i :+ (x1 :-> 1 :+ x2 :-> 4)) q ->
          verify (bind_s (write_s x2 4) e) (i :+ (x1 :-> 1 :+ x2 :-> 2)) q.
by apply: (bnd_writeR _ H).

Example ex_dealloc_bwd i x1 x2 (e : unit -> spec nat) q:
          verify (e tt) (i :+ (x1 :-> 1)) q ->
          verify (bind_s (dealloc_s x2) e) (i :+ (x1 :-> 1 :+ x2 :-> 2)) q.
by apply: bnd_deallocR; rewrite unh0.