
    Copyright (C) 2012  G. Gonthier, B. Ziliani, A. Nanevski, D. Dreyer

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From mathcomp
Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool ssrnat seq eqtype.
From LemmaOverloading
Require Import prelude prefix xfind heaps terms.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.

(* cancelR :                                                                  *)
(*   Lemma automated with Canonical Structures to cancel heap expressions.    *)
(*   Usage:                                                                   *)
(*     apply (cancelR D) in H                                                 *)
(*   where D : def h1 and H : h1 = h2                                         *)

(* Syntactification of heaps *)
Section HeapReflection.

(* The algorithm works as follow:
   - if the heap is h1 :+ h2 then recurse over both and concatenate the results
   - if the heap is the empty heap, return 
   - if the heap is p :-> v then add p to the context, and return Pts x v,
     where x is the deBruijn index for p in the context
   - if the heap is whatever else, add the heap to the context and return
     Var n, where n is the deBruijn index for the heap in the context

(* a tagging structure to control the flow of computation *)
Structure tagged_heap := Tag {untag :> heap}.

(* in reversed order; first test for unions, then empty, pts and vars *)
Definition var_tag := Tag.
Definition pts_tag := var_tag.
Definition empty_tag := pts_tag.
Canonical Structure union_tag hc := empty_tag hc.

Definition invariant i j t h := [/\ interp j t = h, subctx i j & valid j t].

(* Main structure
   i : input context
   j : output context
   t : syntactification of heap_of using context j *)

Structure ast (i j : ctx) (t : synheap) :=
  Ast {heap_of :> tagged_heap;
       _ : invariant i j t heap_of}.

Arguments Ast : clear implicits.

Lemma union_pf i j k t1 t2 (f1 : ast i j t1) (f2 : ast j k t2) :
        invariant i k (t1 ++ t2) (union_tag (f1 :+ f2)).
case: f1 f2=>h1 /= [<- S1 D1] [h2 /= [<- S2 D2]].
split; first by rewrite interp_cat (interp_subctx D1 S2).
- by apply: (subctx_trans S1 S2).
by rewrite valid_cat D2 andbT; apply: (valid_subctx S2).

(* pass output context of f1 as input of f2 *)
Canonical Structure
  union_struct i j k t1 t2 (f1 : ast i j t1) (f2 : ast j k t2) :=
  Ast i k _ (union_tag (f1 :+ f2)) (union_pf f1 f2).

Lemma empty_pf i : invariant i i [::] (empty_tag empty).
Proof. split; by [|apply: subctx_refl|]. Qed.

Canonical Structure empty_struct i :=
  Ast i i [::] (empty_tag empty) (empty_pf i).

Lemma pts_pf A hs xs1 xs2 x (d : A) (xs : xfind xs1 xs2 x):
        invariant (Context hs xs1) (Context hs xs2)
                  [:: Pts x (dyn d)] (pts_tag (xuntag xs :-> d)).
case: xs=>[p /= [H P]]; split; first by rewrite /= H.
- by split; [apply: prefix_refl|].
by apply/andP; rewrite /= (onth_size H).

Canonical Structure
  pts_struct A hs xs1 xs2 x (d : A)
           (xs : xfind xs1 xs2 x) :=
  Ast (Context hs xs1) (Context hs xs2)
       [:: Pts x (dyn d)]
       (pts_tag (xuntag xs :-> d))
       (pts_pf hs _ xs).

Lemma var_pf hs1 hs2 xs n (f : xfind hs1 hs2 n) :
        invariant (Context hs1 xs) (Context hs2 xs) [:: Var n] (var_tag (xuntag f)).
case:f=>p [H1 H2]; split; first by rewrite /= /hlook H1.
- by split; [|apply: prefix_refl].
by apply/andP; rewrite /= (onth_size H1).

Canonical Structure var_struct hs1 hs2 xs n (f : xfind hs1 hs2 n) :=
  Ast (Context hs1 xs) (Context hs2 xs) _
      (var_tag (xuntag f))
      (var_pf xs f).

End HeapReflection.

(* The main lemma *)
Theorem cancelR j k t1 t2 (f1 : ast empc j t1) (f2 : ast j k t2) :
        def (untag (heap_of f1)) ->
        untag (heap_of f1) = untag (heap_of f2) ->
        eval k (cancel k t1 t2).
case: f1 f2=>hp1 /= [<- _ I] [hp2 /= [<- S _]] D H.
by apply: cancel_sound; rewrite -(interp_subctx I S).

(* Examples *)
Example ex0 x (v1 v2:nat):
          def (x :-> v1) -> x :-> v1 = x :-> v2 ->
          v1 = v2.
move=>D H.
Time set H' := (cancelR D H).
Time by rewrite (dyn_inj H').
Time Qed.

Set Printing Implicit.

Example ex1 x h (v1 v2:nat):
          def (x :-> v1 :+ h) -> x :-> v1 :+ h = x :-> v2 ->
          if v1 == v2 then true else false.
move=>D H.
by rewrite (dyn_inj (proj2 (cancelR D H))) eq_refl.

Example ex2 h1 h2 h3 h4 x1 x2 (d1 d2 d3 d4 : nat) :
     def ((h3 :+ (x1 :-> d1)) :+ (h1 :+ empty) :+ (x2 :-> d2)) ->
     (h3 :+ (x1 :-> d1)) :+ (h1 :+ empty) :+ (x2 :-> d2) =
     (x2 :-> d3) :+ (h2 :+ empty :+ h3) :+ h4 :+ (x1 :-> d4) ->
     d1 = d4 /\ d2 = d3 /\ h1 = h2 :+ h4.
move/(cancelR D)=>/= [->][].
by move/dyn_inj=>->; move/dyn_inj=>->.

Example ex1' x h (v1 v2:nat):
          def (x :-> v1 :+ h) -> x :-> v1 :+ h = x :-> v2 ->
          v1 = v2.
move=>D H.
set H' := cancelR D H.
simpl in H'.
by apply: (dyn_inj (proj2 (cancelR D H))).

Example stress
     (h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7 h8 h9 h10 : heap)
     (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 : ptr) :
     def (h1 :+ h2 :+ h3 :+ h4 :+ h5 :+ h6 :+ h7 :+ h8 :+ h9 :+ h10 :+
     x1 :-> 1 :+ x2 :-> 2 :+ x3 :-> 3 :+ x4 :-> 4 :+ x5 :-> 5 :+
     x6 :-> 6 :+ x7 :-> 7 :+ x8 :-> 8 :+ x9 :-> 9 :+ x10 :-> 10) ->
     h1 :+ h2 :+ h3 :+ h4 :+ h5 :+ h6 :+ h7 :+ h8 :+ h9 :+ h10 :+
     x1 :-> 1 :+ x2 :-> 2 :+ x3 :-> 3 :+ x4 :-> 4 :+ x5 :-> 5 :+
     x6 :-> 6 :+ x7 :-> 7 :+ x8 :-> 8 :+ x9 :-> 9 :+ x10 :-> 10 =
     x1 :-> 1 :+ x2 :-> 2 :+ x3 :-> 3 :+ x4 :-> 4 :+ x5 :-> 5 :+
     h1 :+ h2 :+ h3 :+ h4 :+ h5 :+ h6 :+ h7 :+ h8 :+ h9 :+ h10 :+
     x6 :-> 6 :+ x7 :-> 7 :+ x8 :-> 8 :+ x9 :-> 9 :+ x10 :-> 10 ->
Time move/(cancelR D)=>/=.
by [].
Time Qed.