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    Proof of Huffman algorithm: OneStep.v                            
    Definition of one step of the building process (merging the      
    smallest tree) and its properties                                

From Huffman Require Export WeightTree.
From Huffman Require Export Ordered.
From Huffman Require Export SameSumLeaves.

Section OneStep.
Variable A : Type.
Variable f : A -> nat.

  A step is valid if the two smallest elements of the initial list
  have been merged

Definition one_step (l1 l2 : list (btree A)) : Prop :=
  exists l3 : list (btree A),
    (exists t1 : btree A,
       (exists t2 : btree A,
          ordered (sum_order f) (t1 :: t2 :: l3) /\
          permutation l1 (t1 :: t2 :: l3) /\
          permutation l2 (node t1 t2 :: l3))).

(* Choosing one step or another does not change the weight *)
Theorem one_step_weight_tree_list :
 forall l1 l2 l3 : list (btree A),
 one_step l1 l2 ->
 one_step l1 l3 -> weight_tree_list f l2 = weight_tree_list f l3.
Proof using.
intros l1 l2 l3 (l4, (t1, (t2, (H1, (H2, H3)))))
 (l5, (t3, (t4, (H4, (H5, H6))))).
rewrite weight_tree_list_permutation with (1 := H3).
rewrite weight_tree_list_permutation with (1 := H6).
repeat rewrite weight_tree_list_node.
apply f_equal2 with (f := plus).
 (map (sum_leaves f) (t1 :: t2 :: l4) = map (sum_leaves f) (t3 :: t4 :: l5)).
simpl in |- *; intros H7; injection H7.
intros H8 H9 H10; repeat apply f_equal2 with (f := plus); auto.
apply ordered_sum_leaves_eq; auto.
apply permutation_trans with (2 := H5); auto.
apply permutation_sym; auto.
rewrite <- weight_tree_list_permutation with (1 := H2).
apply weight_tree_list_permutation; auto.

(* Choosing one step or another does not change the sum of leaves *)
Theorem one_step_same_sum_leaves :
 forall l1 l2 l3 : list (btree A),
 one_step l1 l2 -> one_step l1 l3 -> same_sum_leaves f l2 l3.
intros l1 l2 l3 (l4, (t1, (t2, (H1, (H2, H3)))))
 (l5, (t3, (t4, (H4, (H5, H6))))).
Proof using.
red in |- *.
exists (node t1 t2 :: l4); exists (node t3 t4 :: l5); auto; simpl in |- *;
split; auto; split; auto.
 (map (sum_leaves f) (t1 :: t2 :: l4) = map (sum_leaves f) (t3 :: t4 :: l5)).
simpl in |- *; intros H7; injection H7; intros H8 H9 H10;
 apply f_equal2 with (f := cons (A:=nat)); auto.
apply ordered_sum_leaves_eq; auto.
apply permutation_trans with (2 := H5); auto.
apply permutation_sym; auto.

(* Choosing one step or another does not change weight and sum leaves *)
Theorem one_step_comp :
 forall l1 l2 l3 l4 : list (btree A),
 weight_tree_list f l1 = weight_tree_list f l2 ->
 same_sum_leaves f l1 l2 ->
 one_step l1 l3 ->
 one_step l2 l4 ->
 weight_tree_list f l3 = weight_tree_list f l4 /\ same_sum_leaves f l3 l4.
Proof using.
intros l1 l2 l3 l4 H1 (l5, (l6, (H2, (H3, H4))))
 (l7, (t1, (t2, (H5, (H6, H7))))) (l8, (t3, (t4, (H8, (H9, H10))))).
 (map (sum_leaves f) (t1 :: t2 :: l7) = map (sum_leaves f) (t3 :: t4 :: l8)).
intros H11.
rewrite weight_tree_list_permutation with (1 := H7).
rewrite weight_tree_list_permutation with (1 := H10).
repeat rewrite weight_tree_list_node.
apply f_equal2 with (f := plus).
injection H11; intros H12 H13 H14; auto.
rewrite weight_tree_list_permutation with (1 := permutation_sym _ _ _ H6).
rewrite weight_tree_list_permutation with (1 := permutation_sym _ _ _ H9);
red in |- *; exists (node t1 t2 :: l7); exists (node t3 t4 :: l8);
 repeat (split; auto).
simpl in |- *.
simpl in H11; injection H11; auto.
intros; apply f_equal2 with (f := cons (A:=nat)); auto.
apply ordered_perm_antisym_eq with (order := le).
exact le_trans.
exact le_antisym.
apply permutation_trans with (map (sum_leaves f) l1).
 (permutation_map _ _ (sum_leaves f) _ _ (permutation_sym _ _ _ H6));
apply permutation_trans with (map (sum_leaves f) l5).
generalize (permutation_map _ _ (sum_leaves f) _ _ H2); auto.
rewrite H4.
apply permutation_trans with (map (sum_leaves f) l2).
 (permutation_map _ _ (sum_leaves f) _ _ (permutation_sym _ _ _ H3));
generalize (permutation_map _ _ (sum_leaves f) _ _ H9); auto.
change (ordered le (map (sum_leaves f) (t1 :: t2 :: l7))) in |- *.
apply ordered_map_inv; auto.
change (ordered le (map (sum_leaves f) (t3 :: t4 :: l8))) in |- *.
apply ordered_map_inv; auto.

End OneStep.
Arguments one_step [A].