
The contents in this file are reconstructed from the proof of Bruno Barras in the Coq standard library. It is duplicated so that the definitions can be made transparent, and therefore computable. See Coq.Logic.Eqdep_dec for complete information
Section uip_trans.
  Context {A : Type}.

  Definition uip_prop_trans (dec : forall x y : A, x = y \/ x <> y)
    {x : A} :
    forall {y : A} (pf pf' : x = y), pf = pf' :=
    let comp :=
        fun (x y y' : A) (eq1 : x = y) (eq2 : x = y') =>
          eq_ind x (fun a : A => a = y') eq2 y eq1 in
    let eq_dec := dec x in
    let nu :=
        fun (y : A) (u : x = y) =>
          match eq_dec y with
          | or_introl eqxy => eqxy
          | or_intror neqxy => False_ind (x = y) (neqxy u)
          end in
    let nu_constant :=
        fun (y : A) (u v : x = y) =>
          let o := eq_dec y in
            o as o0
            (match o0 with
             | or_introl eqxy => eqxy
             | or_intror neqxy => False_ind (x = y) (neqxy u)
             end =
             match o0 with
             | or_introl eqxy => eqxy
             | or_intror neqxy => False_ind (x = y) (neqxy v)
          | or_introl Heq => eq_refl
          | or_intror Hneq =>
              Hneq u as f
              return (False_ind (x = y) f = False_ind (x = y) (Hneq v))
          end in
    let nu_inv := fun (y : A) (v : x = y) => comp x x y (nu x eq_refl) v
    let trans_sym_eq := fun (x y : A) (u : x = y) =>
        match u as e in (_ = y0) return (comp x y0 y0 e e = eq_refl) with
        | eq_refl => eq_refl
    let nu_left_inv_on := fun (y : A) (u : x = y) =>
        match u as e in (_ = y0) return (nu_inv y0 (nu y0 e) = e) with
        | eq_refl => trans_sym_eq _ _ (nu _ eq_refl)
        end in
    fun (y : A) (p1 p2 : x = y) =>
      eq_ind (nu_inv y (nu y p1)) (fun p3 : x = y => p3 = p2)
             (eq_ind (nu_inv y (nu y p2)) (fun p3 : x = y => nu_inv y (nu y p1) = p3)
                     (eq_ind (nu y p1) (fun e : x = y => nu_inv y (nu y p1) = nu_inv y e)
                             eq_refl (nu y p2) (nu_constant y p1 p2)) p2
                     (nu_left_inv_on _ p2)) p1 (nu_left_inv_on _ p1).

  Definition uip_trans (dec : forall x y : A, {x = y} + {x <> y})
  := @uip_prop_trans (fun a b => match dec a b with
                                 | left pf => or_introl pf
                                 | right pf' => or_intror pf'
End uip_trans.