
Require Import Coq.Classes.RelationClasses.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import ExtLib.Core.RelDec.
Require Import ExtLib.Tactics.Consider.
Require Import ExtLib.Structures.Maps.
Require Import ExtLib.Structures.Monad.
Require Import ExtLib.Structures.Reducible.
Require Import ExtLib.Structures.Functor.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Strict Implicit.

Section keyed.
  Variable K : Type.
  Variable R : K -> K -> Prop.
  Variable RD_K : RelDec R.

  Variable V : Type.

  Definition alist : Type := list (K * V).

  Definition alist_remove (k : K) (m : alist) : alist :=
    List.filter (fun x => negb (k ?[ R ] (fst x))) m.

  Definition alist_add (k : K) (v : V) (m : alist) : alist :=
    (k, v) :: alist_remove k m.

  Fixpoint alist_find (k : K) (m : alist) : option V :=
    match m with
      | nil => None
      | (k',v) :: ms =>
        if k ?[ R ] k' then
          Some v
          alist_find k ms

  Section fold.
    Import MonadNotation.
    Local Open Scope monad_scope.

    Variables T : Type.
    Variable f : K -> V -> T -> T.

    Fixpoint fold_alist (acc : T) (map : alist) : T :=
      match map with
        | nil => acc
        | (k,v) :: m =>
          let acc := f k v acc in
          fold_alist acc m
  End fold.

  Definition alist_union (m1 m2 : alist) : alist :=
    fold_alist alist_add m2 m1.

  Global Instance Map_alist : Map K V alist :=
  { empty := nil
  ; add := @alist_add
  ; remove := alist_remove
  ; lookup := alist_find
  ; union := @alist_union

  Section proofs.
    Hypothesis RDC_K : RelDec_Correct RD_K.

    Hypothesis Refl : Reflexive R.
    Hypothesis Sym : Symmetric R.
    Hypothesis Trans : Transitive R.

    Definition mapsto_alist (m : alist) k v : Prop :=
      alist_find k m = Some v.

    Lemma mapsto_alist_cons : forall k v m k' v',
                                mapsto_alist ((k',v') :: m) k v <->
                                ( (mapsto_alist m k v /\ ~R k k')
                                 \/ (R k k' /\ v = v')).
      unfold mapsto_alist; intuition; simpl in *.
      { consider (k ?[ R ] k'); intros.
        { right. inversion H0; auto. }
        { left. auto. } }
      { consider (k ?[ R ] k'); intros; intuition. }
      { consider (k ?[ R ] k'); intros; intuition. congruence. }

    Theorem mapsto_lookup_alist : forall (k : K) (v : V) (m : list (K * V)),
                                   lookup k m = Some v <-> mapsto_alist m k v.

    Theorem mapsto_remove_eq_alist : forall (m : list (K * V)) (k : K) (v : V),
                                       ~mapsto_alist (remove k m) k v.
      unfold mapsto_alist, remove, alist_remove; simpl. intros.
      induction m; simpl; auto.
      { congruence. }
      { destruct a; simpl in *.
        consider (k ?[ R ] k0); auto; intros.
        simpl. consider (k ?[ R ] k0); auto. }

    Theorem mapsto_remove_neq_alist : forall (m : list (K * V)) (k : K),
                                      forall k', ~ R k k' -> forall v', (mapsto_alist m k' v' <-> mapsto_alist (remove k m) k' v').
      unfold mapsto_alist, add; simpl. intros.
      induction m; simpl in *.
      { intuition. }
      { destruct a. simpl in *.
        consider (k' ?[ R ] k0); intros.
        { consider (k ?[ R ] k0); intros.
          { exfalso. eauto. }
          { simpl. consider (k' ?[ R ] k0); intros.
            { intuition. }
            { exfalso; auto. } } }
        { rewrite IHm.
          consider (k ?[ R ] k0); simpl; intros.
          { intuition. }
          { consider (k' ?[ R ] k0); intros.
            { exfalso; auto. }
            { intuition. } } } }

    Theorem mapsto_add_eq_alist : forall (m : list (K * V)) (k : K) (v : V),
                                 mapsto_alist (add k v m) k v.
      unfold mapsto_alist, add, alist_add; simpl. intros.
      consider (k ?[ R ] k); auto.
      intro. exfalso. apply H. reflexivity.

    Theorem mapsto_add_neq_alist : forall (m : list (K * V)) (k : K) (v : V),
                                     forall k', ~ R k k' -> forall v', (mapsto_alist m k' v' <-> mapsto_alist (add k v m) k' v').
      unfold mapsto_alist, add; simpl. intros.
      consider (k' ?[ R ] k); try solve [ intros; exfalso; auto ].
      intros. eapply mapsto_remove_neq_alist in H. eapply H.

    Theorem remove_eq_alist:
      forall (m : alist) (k : K), alist_find k (alist_remove k m) = None.
      unfold mapsto_alist.
      induction m; simpl; eauto; try congruence.
      intros; consider (k ?[ R ] fst a); simpl; intros; eauto.
      destruct a; simpl in *.
      consider (k ?[ R ] k0); eauto. tauto.

    Theorem remove_neq_alist:
      forall (m : alist) (k k' : K), ~R k' k -> alist_find k (alist_remove k' m) = alist_find k m.
      unfold mapsto_alist.
      induction m; simpl; eauto; try congruence.
      destruct a; simpl.
      intros; consider (k' ?[ R ] k); simpl; intros; eauto.
      { consider (k0 ?[ R ] k); intros; eauto.
        exfalso. eapply H. etransitivity; eauto. }
      { consider (k0 ?[ R ] k); eauto. }

    Global Instance MapLaws_alist : MapOk R Map_alist.
      refine {| mapsto := fun k v m => mapsto_alist m k v |};
      eauto using mapsto_lookup_alist, mapsto_add_eq_alist, mapsto_add_neq_alist.
      { intros; intro. inversion H. }
      { unfold mapsto_alist; simpl. intros.
        rewrite remove_eq_alist. congruence. }
      { unfold mapsto_alist. simpl; intros.
        erewrite (@remove_neq_alist m _ _ H).
        reflexivity. }

  End proofs.

  Global Instance Foldable_alist : Foldable alist (K * V) :=
    fun _ f b => fold_alist (fun k v => f (k,v)) b.

End keyed.

Global Instance Functor_alist K : Functor (alist K) :=
{ fmap := fun T U f => map (fun x => (fst x, f (snd x))) }.

Performance Test
Module TEST.
  Definition m := alist nat nat.
  Instance Map_m : Map nat (alist nat).
    apply Map_alist. eauto with typeclass_instances.

  Definition z : m :=
    (fix fill n acc : m :=
      let acc := add n n acc in
      match n with
        | 0 => acc
        | S n => fill n acc
      end) 500 empty.

  Time Eval compute in
    let z := z in
    (fix find_all n : unit :=
      let _ := lookup n z in
      match n with
        | 0 => tt
        | S n => find_all n
      end) 500.