
(*  This is part of ATBR, it is distributed under the terms of the        *)
(*         GNU Lesser General Public License version 3                    *)
(*              (see file LICENSE for more details)                       *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*       Copyright 2009-2011: Thomas Braibant, Damien Pous.               *)

Examples about uses of the ATBR library

Require Import ATBR.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.


Section Setting.

We assume a typed Kleene algebra (as described in Classes)
  Context `{KA: KleeneAlgebra}.

This means we can write expressions like the following one, where
  • a # is the Kleene star of a,
  • a + b is the sum of a and b,
  • a * b is their product (or concatenation)
  • 1 is the neutral element for *
  • 0 is the neutral element for +
  • == is the equality associated to this algebraic structure
  • <== is the preorder associated to + (x <== y iff x + y == y)

  Check forall A (a b c: X A A), 1+a#*b+(c*0+a*b*c)# == 1.

In the previous expression, A is a "type", it makes sense in situations like the following, where
  • R can be thought of as a relation from a set A to a set B,
  • S as a relation from set B to set A,
  • T as a relation from A to C
(As shown below, these `types' can also be seen as matrix dimensions.)

  Check forall A B C (R: X A B) (S: X B A) (T: X A C), ((R*S)# + 1) * T == 0.

End Setting.

Decision tactics

Section Tactics.

The main tactic of this library is kleene_reflexivity from file DecideKleeneAlgebra.v. This is a reflexive tactic that through automata constructions in order to solve (in)equations that are valid in any Kleene algebras:

  Section DKA.
  Context `{KA: KleeneAlgebra}.

  Variables A B: T.
  Variables a b c: X A A.
  Variable d: X A B.
  Variable e: X B A.

  Lemma star_distr: (a+b)# == a#*(b*a#)#.

  Goal (d*e)#*d == d*(e*d)#.

  Goal a#*(b+a#*(1+c))# == (a+b+c)#.

  Goal a*b*c*a*b*c*a# <== a#*(b*c+a)#.

Note that kleene_reflexivity cannot use hypotheses (Horn theory of KA is undecidable)

  Goal a*b <== c -> a*(b*a)# <== c#*a.
    intro H.
    try kleene_reflexivity.
    rewrite <- H.
  End DKA.

We also implemented reflexive decision tactics for the intermediate structures (lighter, faster). They work as soon as we provide enough structure (e.g. an idempotent semi-ring IdemSemiRing, or even a Monoid or a SemiLattice); they can of course be used to solve simple goals in richer settings, like Kleene Agebras.

  Section ISR.
  Context `{ISR: IdemSemiRing}.

  Variables A B: T.
  Variables a b c: X A A.
  Variable d: X A B.

  Goal (a+b)*(a+b) == a*a+a*b+b*a+b*b.

  Goal 0+b*a <== (a+b)*(1+a).

  Goal a*(b*1)*(c*d) == a*1*b*c*d.

  Goal a+(b+1)+(a+c) == 1+c+b+a+0.

  Goal a <== 1+c+b+a+0.

On these simpler structures, we also have `normalisation' tactics:
normalize expressions by expanding them
just remove zeros and ones
    Restart. semiring_clean.
remove zeros and ones and normalize parentheses
    Restart. semiring_cleanassoc.

Rewriting tactics

When rewriting terms, handling associativity and commutativity explicitly can be tedious. We implemented ad-hoc tactics for rewriting *closed* equations modulo A and/or AC; we plan to investigate this problem in a more systematic way.

  Goal c*d <== 0 -> a*b*c*d <== 0.
    intro H.
parentheses do not match
    try rewrite H.
    monoid_rewrite H.

  Goal d <== c*d -> a*b*d <== a*b*c*d.
    intro H.
parentheses do not match
    try rewrite <- H.
    monoid_rewrite <- H.

  Goal a+b+c <== c -> b+a+c+c <== c.
    intro H.
    ac_rewrite H.

  End ISR.
End Tactics.

Examples about matrices

Our development makes an heavy use of matrices, so that we had to develop a bit of matrix theory, that could be reused in other contexts. We give some examples about how to work with matrices in our setting.

Require ATBR_Matrices.
Section Matrices.

  Import ATBR_Matrices.

Assume an underlying idempotent semi-ring
  Context `{ISR: IdemSemiRing}.

Notations are overloaded, thanks to the typeclass mechanism. We introduce specific notations to avoid confusion betwen matrices MX and their underlying elements X.

  Variable A: T.
type of matrices over (X A A)
  Notation MX := (@X (mx_Graph A)).
type of elements
  Notation X := (@X G).

Constant-to-a 2x2 matrix, with elements of type X A A
  Definition constant (a: X A A): MX 2 2 := box 2 2 (fun i j => a).

To retrieve the elements of a matrix, we use "!" (a notation for the "get" operation)
  Goal forall a, !(constant a) O O == a.
    intros. reflexivity.

Dummy lemma, notice overloading of notations for *
  Lemma square_constant a: constant a * constant a == constant (a*a).
since the dimensions are known (and finite), the matricial product can be computed
the mx_intros simple tactic introduces indices to prove a matricial equality; it is useful when considering vectors: only one dimension is introduced
    mx_intros i j Hi Hj.
    (* easy goal, on the underlying algebra *)

Our tactics automatically work for matrices (matrices are just another idempotent semiring)
  Goal forall n m p (M: MX n m) (N: MX m p) (P: MX n p),
    M*1*N + P == P+M*N.

Block matrices manipulation
  Lemma square_triangular_blocks n m (M: MX n n) (N: MX n m) (P: MX m m):
    mx_blocks M N 0 P * mx_blocks M N 0 P == mx_blocks (M*M) (M*N+N*P) 0 (P*P).
    rewrite mx_blocks_dot.
    apply mx_blocks_compat; semiring_reflexivity.

(We will clean-up and document this library for matrices at some point, so that we do not give further details for now.)

End Matrices.

Using concrete structures

To work with a concrete given struture, you need to show that it satisfies the corresponding axioms. Examples are given in files Model*.v
For example, it is shown in Model_Relations.v that (heterogeneous) binary relations form a Kleene algebra with converse. This file can easily be adapted to use other definitions.

Require Model_Relations.
Section Concrete.

  Import Model_Relations.
  Import Load.
  (* the latter line is required in order to register binary relations
     to the typeclass mechanism *)

Any theorem we proved in an abstract structure now applies to binary relations
  Variable A: Set.
  Variables R S: rel A A.
  Check (star_distr R S).

tactics work out of the box when using our notations
  Goal R*S==R -> R*(S+R#) == R#*R.
    intro H.
    rewrite dot_distr_right, H.

  (* TOTHINK: also declare canonical structures for operations *)
  Canonical Structure rel_Monoid_Ops.
  Goal R*S==R -> rel_comp R (S+R#) == rel_comp (R#) R.
    intro H.
    rewrite dot_distr_right, H.

End Concrete.

Similarly, homogeneous relations (from the standard library) are declared in Model_StdRelations, so that one can use our tactics to reason about these.

Require Relations.
Require Model_StdRelations.
Section Concrete'.

  Import Relations.
  Import Model_StdRelations.
  Import Load.

  Variable A: Set.
  Variables R S: relation A.

  Lemma example: same_relation _
    (clos_refl_trans _ (union _ R S))
    (comp (clos_refl_trans _ R) (clos_refl_trans _ (comp S (clos_refl_trans _ R)))).
    fold_relAlg A.
  Print Assumptions example.

End Concrete'.