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(*       Copyright 2009-2011: Thomas Braibant, Damien Pous.               *)

Disjoint Sets data-structure.
The signature DISJOINTSETS describes a disjoint-sets data structure, to maintain work with sets of equivalence classes.
The functor DISJOINTSETSUTILS provides several useful lemmas to reason about these equivalences classes.
The module PosDisjointSets implements DISJOINTSETS for positive numbers, as described in 1. We implemented two heuristics: path-compression and union by rank.
1 Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein. Introduction to Algorithms. The MIT Press, 2nd revised edition edition, September 2001.
TODO: the proofs in this file should be cleaned and made more robust.

Require Import Common.
Require Import MyFSets.
Require Import BoolView.
Require Import Numbers.

  Import N.

  Parameter T: Type.
  Parameter empty : T.

  Parameter test_and_unify : T -> num -> num -> bool * T.
  Parameter equiv : T -> num -> num -> bool * T.
  Parameter union : T -> num -> num -> T.

  Parameter class_of : T -> num -> NumSet.t.

  Parameter IsWF : T -> Prop.
  Class WF t: Prop := { wf: IsWF t }.

  Declare Instance empty_WF : WF empty.
  Declare Instance test_and_unify_WF `{WF} x y: WF (snd (test_and_unify t x y)).
  Declare Instance equiv_WF `{WF} x y : WF (snd (equiv t x y)).
  Declare Instance union_WF `{WF} x y : WF (union t x y).

  Parameter sameclass: T -> relation num.
  Axiom sameclass_equiv : forall `{WF} x y, (fst (equiv t x y) = true <-> sameclass t x y).
  Declare Instance sameclass_Equivalence `{WF}: Equivalence (sameclass t).

  Axiom sameclass_empty : forall x y, sameclass empty x y -> x = y.
  Axiom sameclass_union : forall `{WF} a b x y,
    sameclass (union t a b) x y <->
    (sameclass t x y \/ (sameclass t x a /\ sameclass t y b) \/ (sameclass t y a /\ sameclass t x b)).

  Axiom sameclass_class_of : forall `{WF} x y , sameclass t x y <-> NumSet.In x (class_of t y).

  Axiom test_and_unify_eq: forall `{WF} x y, test_and_unify t x y = (fst (equiv t x y), union t x y).


Module DSUtils (Import N : NUM) (Import M: DISJOINTSETS N).
  Module Import NU := NumUtils N.

  Definition le (s t : T): Prop := inclusion _ (sameclass s) (sameclass t).

  Instance le_PreOrder : PreOrder le.
  Proof. constructor; repeat intro; auto. Qed.

  Definition eq s t := same_relation _ (sameclass s) (sameclass t).
  Instance eq_Equivalence : Equivalence eq.
    unfold eq, same_relation. constructor; repeat intro.
    split; apply le_PreOrder.
    split; apply (@PreOrder_Transitive _ _ le_PreOrder) with y; intuition.
  Instance sameclass_compat : Proper (eq ==> same_relation num) sameclass.
  Proof. intros s t H. exact H. Qed.

  Instance sameclass_compat' : Proper (eq ==> @Logic.eq num ==> @Logic.eq num ==> iff) sameclass.
  Proof. split; intros; subst; apply H; trivial. Qed.

  Module Notations.
    Notation "{{ t }}" := (sameclass t).
    Notation "x [=T=] y" := (eq x y) (at level 75).
    Notation "x <T= y" := (le x y) (at level 75).
  End Notations.

  Import Notations.

  Lemma le_union `{WF}: forall x y, t <T= union t x y.
    intros x y.
    unfold le.
    intros a b ? .
    rewrite sameclass_union; trivial. intuition.

  Lemma eq_union `{WF}: forall x y, {{t}} x y -> t [=T=] union t x y.
    intros x y Hxy.
    split. apply le_union; trivial.
    intros a b H'. rewrite sameclass_union in H'; trivial. intuition.
     rewrite H0, Hxy, H2. reflexivity.
     rewrite H0, Hxy, H2. reflexivity.

  Lemma le_incr `{WF} {t'} `{WF t'}: forall x y,
    t <T= t' ->
    union t x y <T= union t' x y.
    intros x y ? u v. rewrite 2 sameclass_union. intuition.

  Lemma compat_union_eq `{WF} {t'} `{WF t'} :
    t [=T=] t' ->
    forall x y, union t x y [=T=] union t' x y.
    intros H' x y.
    split; intros; apply le_incr; auto; apply H'.

  Lemma class_of_empty: forall x, NumSet.Equal (class_of empty x) (NumSet.singleton x).
    intros x y.
    rewrite <- sameclass_class_of.
    split; intros H. rewrite (sameclass_empty _ _ H). apply NumSet.singleton_2. apply NumSet.E.eq_refl.
    replace y with x. reflexivity.
    apply -> set_eq_spec.
    apply NumSet.singleton_1, H.

  Lemma class_of_union: forall `{WF} x y,
    NumSet.Equal (class_of (union t x y) x) (NumSet.union (class_of t x) (class_of t y)).
    intros t Hwf x y z.
    rewrite <- sameclass_class_of.
    rewrite sameclass_union.
    setoid_rewrite <- sameclass_class_of.

  Lemma class_of_union_2: forall `{WF} x y z,
    ~ sameclass t x z ->
    ~ sameclass t y z ->
    NumSet.Equal (class_of (union t x y) z) (class_of t z).
    intros t Hwf x y z Hxz Hyz u.
    setoid_rewrite <- sameclass_class_of.
    rewrite sameclass_union.

  Lemma in_class_of_self: forall `{WF} x, NumSet.In x (class_of t x).
    intros. rewrite <- sameclass_class_of. reflexivity.

  Instance class_of_compat `{WF} : Proper (sameclass t ==> NumSet.Equal) (class_of t).
    intros x y Hxy z.
    setoid_rewrite <- sameclass_class_of.
    rewrite Hxy. reflexivity.

  Lemma class_of_compat' : forall `{WF} {t'} `{WF t'} x,
    eq t t' ->
    NumSet.Equal (class_of t x) (class_of t' x).
    intros t Ht t' Ht' x H y.
    setoid_rewrite <- sameclass_class_of.
    rewrite H. reflexivity.

  Lemma class_of_union_1: forall `{WF} x y z,
    {{t}} x z \/ {{t}} y z ->
    NumSet.Equal (class_of (union t x y) z) (NumSet.union (class_of t x) (class_of t y)).
    intros t Hwf x y z [H|H]; symmetry in H.
     setoid_replace (class_of (union t x y) z) with (class_of (union t x y) x) by
      (apply class_of_compat; rewrite sameclass_union; auto).
     apply class_of_union; trivial.
     setoid_replace (class_of (union t x y) z) with (class_of (union t x y) y) by
      (apply class_of_compat; rewrite sameclass_union; auto).
     rewrite <- class_of_union by trivial.
     apply class_of_compat. symmetry. rewrite sameclass_union by trivial.
     right. left. split; reflexivity.

  Lemma class_of_injective: forall `{WF} x y,
    NumSet.Equal (class_of t x) (class_of t y) -> {{t}} x y.
    assert (NumSet.In y (class_of t y)).
      rewrite <- sameclass_class_of. reflexivity.
    rewrite <- H0 in H1.
    rewrite <- sameclass_class_of in H1.
    symmetry. auto.

  Lemma sameclass_spec `{WF} x y: reflect ({{t}} x y) (fst (equiv t x y)).
    intros. case_eq (fst (equiv t x y)); intro Heq; constructor.
     rewrite <- sameclass_equiv; trivial.
     intro F. rewrite <- sameclass_equiv in F. rewrite F in Heq. discriminate.

End DSUtils.

Module PosDisjointSets <: DISJOINTSETS Positive.

  Import PositiveUtils.
  Module Z := FMapFacts.OrdProperties NumMap. (* TODO: réellement utile depuis les inductions de thomas ? *)
  Section protect.

  Open Scope nat_scope. Notation S := Datatypes.S.
  Definition num := num.
  Definition eq_num := @eq num.
  Notation "M '[' key ']' " := (NumMap.find key M)(at level 0, no associativity).
  Notation "M '[' key '>-' v ']' " := (NumMap.add key v M)(at level 0, no associativity).
  Notation "'[]'" :=(NumMap.empty _).

  Structure UF :=
      p : NumMap.t num;
      rank : NumMap.t num;
      size : nat

  Definition T := UF.

  Definition empty : T :=
    (S O).

  Fixpoint find_aux n x t :=
    match n with
      | (S n) => match t [x] with
                   | None => (x, t)
                   | (Some y) =>
                     let (ry, t) := find_aux n y t in
                       (ry, t [x>- ry] )
      | O => (x,t)

  Definition find t x :=
    let (rx,t') := find_aux (size t) x (p t) in
      (rx, Build_UF t' (rank t) (size t)).

  Definition get_rank x rank :=
    match rank [x] with
      | None => 1%positive
      | Some rx => rx

  Definition link t x y :=
    let rank := rank t in
    let rx := get_rank x rank in
    let ry := get_rank y rank in
    let p := p t in
      match (compare rx ry) with
           | Lt =>
             (p [x >- y])
             (S (size t))
           | Eq =>
             (p [x >- y])
             (rank [y >- Positive.S ry] )
             (S (size t))
           | Gt =>
             (p [y >- x])
             (S (size t))

  Definition union t x y :=
    let (rx,t) := find t x in
    let (ry,t) := find t y in
      if Positive.eqb rx ry then t else link t rx ry.

  Definition equiv t x y :=
    let (rx,t) := find t x in
    let (ry,t) := find t y in
     (Positive.eqb rx ry,t).

  Definition test_and_unify t x y :=
    let (rx,t) := find t x in
    let (ry,t) := find t y in
      if Positive.eqb rx ry then (true,t) else (false, link t rx ry).

  Import NumMapProps.

  Inductive repr (t: NumMap.t num) : num -> num -> Prop :=
  | rzero : forall i, ~ NumMap.In i t -> repr t i i
  | rsucc : forall i j r, NumMap.MapsTo i j t -> repr t j r -> repr t i r

  Inductive D (t: NumMap.t num) : num -> nat -> Prop :=
  | DO : forall i, ~NumMap.In i t -> D t i O
  | DS : forall i j n, NumMap.MapsTo i j t -> D t j n -> D t i (S n).

  Definition Equiv t x y := exists2 z, repr t x z & repr t y z.

  Definition FEquiv t t' := forall x y, repr t x y <-> repr t' x y .

  Definition bounded t n:= forall x, exists2 m, D t x m & m < n.

  Section repr.
    Variable t : NumMap.t num.

    Lemma repr_zero_inv : forall i x, i <> x -> ~NumMap.In i t -> ~ repr t i x.
      intros i x Hix H. intro H'; inversion H'. subst. tauto_false. subst. apply H. eexists. eassumption.

    Lemma repr_inj_right : forall a b, repr t a b -> forall c, repr t a c -> b = c.
      induction 1; intros. inversion H0. trivial.

      inversion H1. subst. find_tac. subst. find_tac. eauto.

    Lemma repr_inv_In : forall a b, repr t a b -> ~ NumMap.In b t.
      induction 1; auto.

    Lemma repr_inj_idem : forall i j , repr t i j -> forall r, repr t j r -> j = r. Proof.
      induction 1; inversion 1; subst; firstorder.

    Lemma DO_inv_In : forall x , D t x O -> ~ NumMap.In x t.
      inversion 1; auto.

    Hint Resolve repr_inv_In DO_inv_In : core.

    Lemma D_repr : forall x, D t x O <-> repr t x x.
      intros x; split; constructor; eauto.

    Lemma D_inv_n : forall x y n, D t y O -> D t x (S n) -> x <> y.
    Proof. inversion 1; subst. inversion 1. subst.
      intro. subst. firstorder.

    Lemma repr_idem : forall x rx, repr t x rx -> repr t rx rx.
      intros x rx H. apply repr_inv_In in H. apply rzero. eauto.

    Lemma D_succ : forall x y n, NumMap.MapsTo x y t -> D t x n -> exists2 m, D t y m & n = S m.
      intros x y n H. inversion_clear 1.
      find_tac. exists n0; firstorder.
    Lemma D_inj : forall x n , D t x n -> forall m, D t x m -> n = m.
      induction 1; inversion_clear 1; find_tac. apply IHD in H3. congruence.

    Lemma repr_D : forall i j, repr t i j -> exists n, D t i n.
      induction 1. exists O. apply DO. auto.
      destruct IHrepr. exists (S x). eapply DS; eauto.

    Lemma update_In : forall i a b, repr t a b -> a <> b -> ~NumMap.In i t -> ~NumMap.In i (t [a >- b]).
      clear. intros. map_iff. intros [H' | H']. subst. revert H. apply repr_zero_inv; auto. tauto.
  End repr.

  Lemma D_update : forall x y t, x <> y -> D t y 0 -> D (t [x>- y]) y 0.
    intros x y t' Hxy H.
    rewrite D_repr.
    apply rzero. map_iff.
    intros [H' | H'];
        subst; tauto_false
        | inversion H ; eauto

  Hint Resolve repr_idem DO_inv_In D_inv_n repr_D D_update update_In repr_inv_In : core.
  Lemma FEquiv_D : forall t t', FEquiv t t' -> (forall x, D t x O <-> D t' x O).
    intros . unfold FEquiv in H.
    rewrite 2 D_repr. apply H.

  Instance FEquiv_eq : Equivalence FEquiv.
    unfold FEquiv.
    repeat constructor; try solve [firstorder].
    intro. simpl in *. rewrite <- H0 , <- H. auto.
    intro. simpl in *. rewrite H , H0. auto.

  Instance repr_compat : Proper (FEquiv ==> (@eq num) ==> (@eq num)==> iff) repr.
    repeat intro. subst. unfold FEquiv in H. rewrite H. auto. reflexivity.

  Section update.
    Variable t : NumMap.t num.
    Variable a b : num.
    Hypothesis a_diff_b: a <> b.
    Hypothesis a_repr_b: repr t a b.

    Lemma update_equiv : FEquiv t (t [a >- b ]).
      unfold FEquiv. intros x y. split; intro H.
      induction H. apply rzero. eauto.
      destruct (eq_num_dec i a). subst.
      assert (r=b).
      eapply repr_inj_right. eapply rsucc. apply H. auto. auto. subst.
      eapply rsucc. 2 : apply rzero. map_iff. tauto. eauto.

      eapply rsucc. 2 : apply IHrepr. map_iff. intuition.

      induction H.
      apply rzero. revert H. map_iff. intros. intro H'. apply H. auto.
      revert H. map_iff. intros [[H' H''] | H']. subst.

      assert (j = r). eapply repr_inj_idem; eauto. subst. eauto.
      destruct H'. eapply rsucc; eauto.

    Lemma D_update_ex : forall x n, D t x n -> exists2 m, D (t [a>-b]) x m & m <= n.
      induction 1.
      exists O; auto using DO.

      destruct (eq_num_dec i a). subst.
      exists (S O). apply (DS _ _ b). map_iff. auto. apply DO.

      destruct (IHD). exists (S x). eapply DS. 2 : eauto. map_iff. auto. omega.

    Lemma boundage : forall n, bounded t n ->
      bounded (t [a>- b]) n.
      unfold bounded. intros.
      destruct (H x). destruct (D_update_ex _ _ H0). exists x1. auto. omega.
  End update.

  Section link.
    Variable t : NumMap.t num.
    Variables a b : num.
    Hypothesis a_diff_b : a <> b.
    Hypothesis repr_a : repr t a a.
    Hypothesis repr_b : repr t b b.
    Lemma D_link_ex : forall x n, D t x n -> exists2 m, D (t [a>-b]) x m & m <= S n.
      induction 1.
      destruct (eq_num_dec i a). subst.
      exists 1. apply (DS _ _ b).
      map_iff. auto. apply DO.
      map_iff; intros [H' | H']; subst. tauto_false. revert H'. eapply repr_inv_In. eauto.
      exists O. apply DO. map_iff.
      intros [H' | H']; subst; tauto_false.
      destruct (eq_num_dec i a). subst.
      exists 1. apply (DS _ _ b). map_iff. auto. apply DO. map_iff.
      intros [H' | H']. subst. tauto_false.
      revert H'. eapply repr_inv_In. eauto. omega.
      destruct IHD. exists (S x). eapply DS. 2 : eauto. map_iff. auto. omega.

    Lemma boundage_link : forall n, bounded t n -> bounded (t [a>- b]) (S n).
      unfold bounded. intros.
      destruct (H x). destruct (D_link_ex _ _ H0). exists x1. auto. omega.

    Lemma repr_update_fwd :
      forall y, repr t y b -> repr (t[ b>- a]) y a.
      induction 1.
      apply (rsucc _ i a). map_iff; auto. apply rzero. map_iff.
      intros [H' | H']. subst. tauto_false.
      revert H'. eapply repr_inv_In. eauto.
      destruct (eq_num_dec i r).
      subst. apply (rsucc _ r a). map_iff; auto. apply rzero. eauto.

      eapply rsucc. 2: apply IHrepr; auto. map_iff. auto.

    Lemma repr_x_inv_upd :
      forall x,
        repr t x a -> repr (t[ b>- a]) x a.

      induction 1.

      apply rzero. map_iff; intros [H' | H']; subst; tauto_false.
      destruct (eq_num_dec i b).
      subst. apply (rsucc _ b r). map_iff; auto.
      apply rzero. eauto.
      eapply rsucc. 2 : apply IHrepr; auto. map_iff; auto.

    Lemma link_lemma_1 :
      forall z,
        repr (t[ b>- a]) z a -> (repr t z a \/ repr t z b).
      induction 1.
      left. apply rzero. intro; apply H. map_iff; auto.
      destruct (eq_num_dec i b).
      subst. right; apply rzero. eapply repr_inv_In. eauto.
      revert H. map_iff. intros [[H' H''] | [H' H'']]. subst. tauto_false.
      destruct IHrepr. left; eapply rsucc; eauto. right; eapply rsucc; eauto.

    Lemma link_lemma_2 :
      forall z rz, repr (t[ b>- a]) z rz -> rz<>a ->
        repr t z rz.
      induction 1; intros. apply rzero. intro; apply H. map_iff; auto.
      revert H1; map_iff. completer subst.

      eapply rsucc; eauto.
      revert H; map_iff; intuition subst.
      assert (j = r). eapply repr_inj_right. eapply repr_a. eauto. subst. tauto_false.

    Lemma repr_inv_upd :
      forall z rz, repr t z rz -> rz<>b ->
        repr (t[ b>- a]) z rz.
      induction 1; intros.
      apply rzero. map_iff. intros [H' | H']; subst; tauto_false.
      destruct (eq_num_dec i b); subst.
      apply repr_inv_In in repr_b. firstorder.
      eapply rsucc. 2 : eapply IHrepr; auto. map_iff. auto.
    Hint Resolve repr_x_inv_upd repr_inv_upd link_lemma_1 link_lemma_2 repr_update_fwd : core.

    Lemma link_main_lemma :
      forall x y,
        repr t x a -> repr t y b ->
        forall u v,
          (Equiv (t[ b>- a]) u v <->
            (Equiv t u v \/ ((Equiv t u x /\ Equiv t v y) \/ (Equiv t v x /\ Equiv t u y)))).
      split; intros.
      unfold Equiv in H1.
      destruct H1 as [ruv Hu Hv].
      destruct (eq_num_dec ruv a).
      destruct (link_lemma_1 _ Hu);
        destruct (link_lemma_1 _ Hv); try solve [firstorder].
      apply link_lemma_2 in Hu; auto. apply link_lemma_2 in Hv; auto. firstorder.

      destruct H1 as [[ruv Hu Hv] | [[[ru Hu Hx] [rv Hv Hy]] | [[ru Hu Hx] [rv Hv Hy]]]].
      destruct (eq_num_dec ruv a).
      subst. exists a; eauto.
      destruct (eq_num_dec ruv b). subst.
      exists a; firstorder.
      exists ruv; firstorder.

      assert ( Hrua := repr_inj_right _ _ _ H _ Hx).
      assert ( Hrvb := repr_inj_right _ _ _ H0 _ Hy).
      rewrite <- Hrua, <- Hrvb in *. clear Hrua Hrvb. exists a. firstorder.

      assert ( Hrua := repr_inj_right _ _ _ H _ Hx).
      assert ( Hrvb := repr_inj_right _ _ _ H0 _ Hy).
      rewrite <- Hrua, <- Hrvb in *. clear Hrua Hrvb. exists a. firstorder.
  End link.

  Section find_aux.
    Lemma find_equiv : forall n s t x y t' px,
      find_aux n x t = (y,t') ->
      D t x px ->
      px < n ->
      bounded t s ->
        D t' y O /\
        (x = y \/ NumMap.MapsTo x y t') /\
        FEquiv t t' /\
        bounded t' s
      induction n; intros s t0 x y t' px Hxt Hx Hpx Hwf.
      simpl in Hxt.
      case_eq (find_aux n x0 t0). intros p' t'' H'. rewrite H' in *. injection Hxt. intros. subst. clear Hxt.

      destruct (D_succ _ _ _ _ H Hx). subst .
      destruct (IHn s _ _ _ _ _ H' H0) as [Hy [[Hxy | Hxy] [Heq Hwf']] ] . omega. auto.
      assert (x <> y).
      eapply D_inv_n. 2:eauto. rewrite FEquiv_D; eauto.
      assert (repr t'' x y).
      rewrite <- Heq. eapply rsucc; eauto. rewrite <- D_repr. rewrite FEquiv_D; eauto.
      split; simpl.
      apply D_update; auto.
      right; map_iff; auto.
      rewrite Heq; apply update_equiv; auto.

      apply boundage; auto.

      assert (x <> y).
      eapply (D_inv_n t0); eauto. rewrite FEquiv_D; eauto.
      assert (repr t'' x y).
      rewrite <- Heq. eapply rsucc; eauto. rewrite Heq. eapply rsucc; eauto. rewrite <- D_repr. auto.
      split; simpl.
      eapply D_update; eauto.
      right; map_iff; auto.
      rewrite Heq; apply update_equiv; auto.
      apply boundage; auto.

      dependent destruction Hxt.
      intuition. rewrite D_repr. eapply rzero. eauto.

  End find_aux.

  Section WF.
    Definition IsWF t : Prop := bounded (p t) (size t).
    Class WF t: Prop := { wf : IsWF t }.
    Hint Constructors WF : core.

    Inductive find_spec_decl t x : (num * T) -> Type :=
    | find_spec_1 : forall rx t'
      (Heq:FEquiv (p t) (p t'))
      (Hrepr: repr (p t') x rx)
      (Hwf: WF t'),
      find_spec_decl t x (rx,t').

    Lemma find_spec : forall `{WF} x, find_spec_decl t x (find t x).
      intros t Hwf x.
      case_eq (find t x) ; intros rx t' H.
      unfold find in H.
      case_eq (find_aux (size t) x (p t)). intros rx' t'' H'; rewrite H' in *. injection H. intros; subst. clear H.
      destruct (@wf _ Hwf x) as [n Hxn Hn];
      destruct (find_equiv _ (size t) _ _ _ _ _ H' Hxn Hn) as [Hrx [[?|?] [Heq Hb]]]; subst; simpl; auto; try apply Hwf.
      rewrite <- D_repr. auto.
      eapply rsucc. eauto. rewrite <- D_repr. auto.

    Global Instance empty_WF : WF empty.
      constructor; exists O; [apply DO; cbn; map_iff; auto| auto].

    Global Instance find_WF `{WF} x: WF (snd (find t x )).
      case find_spec; auto.

    Global Instance equiv_WF `{WF} x y: WF (snd (equiv t x y)).
      unfold equiv.
      repeat (case find_spec; auto; intros).

    Instance link_WF `{WF} x y : repr (p t) x x -> repr (p t) y y -> x<> y -> WF (link t x y).
      intros Hx Hy Hxy. unfold link. constructor.
      case compare_spec; intro; simpl; apply boundage_link; auto; apply H.

    Global Instance union_WF `{WF} x y: WF (union t x y).
      unfold union.
      repeat (case find_spec; auto; intros).
      num_analyse; subst; auto.
      assert (repr (p t'0) rx0 rx0). eauto.
      assert (repr (p t'0) rx rx). rewrite Heq0 in *. eauto. apply link_WF; auto.

    Global Instance test_and_unify_WF `{WF} x y: WF (snd (test_and_unify t x y)).
      unfold test_and_unify.
      repeat (case find_spec; auto; intros).
      num_analyse. subst. simpl. auto.
      assert (repr (p t'0) rx0 rx0). eauto.
      assert (repr (p t'0) rx rx). rewrite Heq0 in *. eauto. apply link_WF; auto.
  End WF.

  Lemma repr_helper `{WF} x: exists z, repr (p t) x z.
    destruct (@wf _ H x). clear H1.
    induction H0. exists i. apply rzero. auto.
    destruct IHD. exists x. eapply rsucc; eauto.

  Section Equiv.
    Definition sameclass t x y := Equiv (p t) x y.

    Lemma Equiv_empty : forall m s t,NumMap.Empty m -> Equiv m s t -> s = t.
      intros m s t He [x H H'].

      inversion_clear H; inversion_clear H'; subst; trivial.

    Lemma sameclass_empty : forall s t, sameclass empty s t -> s = t.
      intros. refine (Equiv_empty _ _ _ _ H). simpl.
      apply NumMap.empty_1.

    Instance Equiv_compat : Proper (FEquiv ==> @eq num ==> @eq num ==> iff ) Equiv.
      repeat intro.
      subst. unfold FEquiv in H. unfold Equiv. split; intros [rx Hx Hy].
      rewrite H in *. firstorder.
      rewrite <- H in *. firstorder.

    Global Instance sameclass_Equivalence `{WF} : Equivalence (sameclass t).
      unfold sameclass, Equiv. repeat constructor; repeat intro.
      destruct (repr_helper x) as [x0]. exists x0; auto.
      destruct H0. firstorder.
      destruct H0. destruct H1. assert (x0 = x1). eapply repr_inj_right; eauto.
      subst. firstorder.

    Lemma sameclass_union : forall {uf} `{WF uf} a b,
      forall s t, sameclass (union uf a b) s t <->
        (sameclass uf s t \/ (sameclass uf s a /\ sameclass uf t b) \/ (sameclass uf t a /\ sameclass uf s b)).
      intros uf a b Hwf.
      unfold union.
      unfold sameclass.
      repeat (case find_spec; intros; auto). rewrite Heq, Heq0 in *.
      num_analyse. subst. intuition auto.
      exists rx0. destruct H0. rewrite (repr_inj_right _ _ _ Hrepr _ H0). auto.
      destruct H1. rewrite (repr_inj_right _ _ _ Hrepr0 _ H1). auto.
      exists rx0. destruct H1. rewrite (repr_inj_right _ _ _ Hrepr0 _ H1). auto.
      destruct H0. rewrite <- (repr_inj_right _ _ _ H0 _ Hrepr). auto.

      unfold link. unfold sameclass.
      case compare_spec; simpl; intro; rewrite link_main_lemma; eauto; intuition.

    Lemma sameclass_equiv : forall `{WF} x y, (fst (equiv t x y) = true <-> sameclass t x y).
      intros t Hwf x y. unfold equiv.
      repeat (case find_spec; intros; auto). unfold sameclass; rewrite ?Heq, ?Heq0 in *.
      num_analyse; simpl; subst.
        clear H. exists rx0; eauto.
        intuition try discriminate.
        elim n.
        destruct H.
        transitivity x0; eauto using repr_inj_right.

    Lemma sameclass_find : forall `{WF} x, sameclass t (fst (find t x)) x.
      intros t Hwf x.
      case (find_spec); intros; auto. simpl.
      unfold sameclass. rewrite Heq; clear Heq.
      exists rx; [eapply repr_idem; eauto | eauto].

  End Equiv.

  Lemma test_and_unify_eq : forall {uf} `{WF uf} x y, test_and_unify uf x y = (fst (equiv uf x y), union uf x y).
    intros uf Hwf x y; unfold test_and_unify, union, equiv;
      repeat (case find_spec; intros; auto).
    num_analyse; subst; reflexivity.

  Definition class_of' (t : T) x :=
    NumMap.fold (fun a b acc =>
      if fst (equiv t x a) && fst (equiv t x b)
        then (NumSet.add a (NumSet.add b acc))
        else acc
    (p t)

  Lemma sameclass_equiv' : forall `{WF} y z,
    sameclass t y z -> forall x, @fst bool UF (equiv t y x) = fst (equiv t z x).
    intros t Hwf y z H.
    apply <- bool_prop_iff.
    rewrite 2 sameclass_equiv.
    rewrite H. reflexivity.

  Lemma NumMap_fold_compat A t f g (x: A):
    (forall acc (k e : num) , f k e acc = g k e acc) ->
    NumMap.fold f t x = NumMap.fold g t x.
    intros. setoid_rewrite NumMap.fold_1.
    revert x.
    induction (NumMap.elements t); simpl; intros. reflexivity.
    rewrite H. apply IHl.

  Lemma MapsTo_sameclass : forall `{WF} x z, NumMap.MapsTo x z (p t) -> sameclass t x z.
    destruct (repr_helper x) as [y ?]; auto.
    exists y. auto.
    inversion H1; subst. firstorder.
    assert (j = z). NumMapProps.find_tac. subst. auto.

  Lemma equiv_reflexive_false : forall `{WF} x, ~ fst (equiv t x x) = false .
    assert (sameclass t x x). reflexivity.
    rewrite <- sameclass_equiv in H0. rewrite H0. discriminate.

  Definition class_of t x := NumSet.add x (class_of' t x).

  Lemma class_of_Equal_MapsTo : forall `{WF} x z, NumMap.MapsTo x z (p t) ->
    NumSet.Equal (class_of' t z) (class_of' t x) .
    unfold class_of'.

    intros t Hwf x z H.

     intros y.
      apply MapsTo_sameclass in H; auto.
      rewrite (NumMap_fold_compat
        (fun a b acc => if fst (equiv t x a) && fst (equiv t x b) then NumSet.add a (NumSet.add b acc) else acc)
        (fun a b acc => if fst (equiv t z a) && fst (equiv t z b) then NumSet.add a (NumSet.add b acc) else acc)
      ); auto.
      rewrite 2 (sameclass_equiv' _ _ H). reflexivity.

  Lemma class_of_Equal_repr : forall `{WF} x z, repr (p t) x z -> NumSet.Equal (class_of' t z) (class_of' t x).
    intros t Hwf x z H.
    induction H. reflexivity.
    apply class_of_Equal_MapsTo in H. rewrite IHrepr. assumption.

  Lemma class_of_In_MapsTo : forall `{WF} x z, NumMap.MapsTo x z (p t) -> NumSet.In x (class_of t z).
    intros t Hwf x z H.
    unfold class_of. NumSetProps.set_iff. right.
    unfold class_of'.
    assert (NumMap.Equal (p t) (NumMap.add x z (NumMap.remove x (p t)))).
    intro y. find_analyse; completer idtac; find_tac. destruct H2. find_tac.
    elim H1. rewrite NumMapProps.remove_in_iff.
    destruct (eq_num_dec x y); firstorder.
    destruct H2. firstorder.

    rewrite Z.fold_Equal; ti_auto.
    rewrite NumMapProps.fold_add; ti_auto.
    clear H0.
    case_eq (fst (equiv t z x));
    case_eq (fst (equiv t z z));
    intros; simpl.
    NumSetProps.set_iff. left. num_prop. reflexivity.
    apply equiv_reflexive_false in H0; auto;tauto_false.

    apply MapsTo_sameclass in H.
    symmetry in H. rewrite <- sameclass_equiv in H. congruence.

    apply equiv_reflexive_false in H0; auto; tauto_false.

    repeat intro; subst. case (fst (equiv t z y) && fst (equiv t z y0)); rewrite H3; reflexivity.
    repeat intro; subst. repeat match goal with |- context [fst (equiv ?t ?x ?y)] => case (fst (equiv t x y)) end; simpl;try NumSetProps.setdec.

    rewrite NumMapProps.remove_in_iff. intro. tauto_false.

    repeat intro; subst. case (fst (equiv t z y) && (fst (equiv t z y0))); rewrite H3; reflexivity.

  Lemma class_of_In_MapsTo' : forall `{WF} x z, NumMap.MapsTo x z (p t) -> NumSet.In z (class_of t x).
    intros t Hwf x z H.
    unfold class_of. NumSetProps.set_iff. right.
    unfold class_of'.
    assert (NumMap.Equal (p t) (NumMap.add x z (NumMap.remove x (p t)))).
    intro y. find_analyse; completer idtac; find_tac. destruct H2. find_tac.
    elim H1. rewrite NumMapProps.remove_in_iff.
    destruct (eq_num_dec x y); firstorder.
    destruct H2. firstorder.

    rewrite Z.fold_Equal; ti_auto.
    rewrite NumMapProps.fold_add; ti_auto.
    clear H0.
    replace (fst (equiv t x x)) with true. simpl.
    case_eq (fst (equiv t x z)). intros. NumSetProps.set_iff. right. left. num_prop. reflexivity.
    intros. exfalso. apply MapsTo_sameclass in H.
    rewrite <- sameclass_equiv in H. congruence.
    symmetry. rewrite sameclass_equiv. reflexivity.

    repeat intro; subst. case (fst (equiv t x y) && fst (equiv t x y0)); rewrite H3; reflexivity.
    repeat intro; subst. repeat match goal with |- context [fst (equiv ?t ?x ?y)] => case (fst (equiv t x y)) end; simpl;try NumSetProps.setdec.

    rewrite NumMapProps.remove_in_iff. intro. tauto_false.

    repeat intro; subst. case (fst (equiv t x y) && fst (equiv t x y0)); rewrite H3; reflexivity.

  Lemma class_of_In_repr : forall `{WF} x z, repr (p t) x z -> NumSet.In x (class_of t z).
    intros t Hwf x z H. unfold class_of in *.
    induction H. NumSetProps.setdec.
    apply class_of_In_MapsTo in H.
    revert IHrepr. NumSetProps.set_iff. intros [H' | H']. num_prop. subst.
    unfold class_of in H.
    revert H. NumSetProps.set_iff. intros [? | ?]. num_prop. auto. auto.
    unfold class_of in H.
    rewrite <- (class_of_Equal_repr _ _ H0) in H.
    revert H. NumSetProps.set_iff. intros [? | ?]. num_prop. subst. auto. auto.

  Lemma class_of_In_repr' : forall `{WF} x z, repr (p t) x z -> NumSet.In z (class_of t x).
    intros t Hwf x z H. unfold class_of in *.
    induction H. NumSetProps.setdec.

    assert (H'' := class_of_In_MapsTo' _ _ H).

    revert IHrepr. NumSetProps.set_iff. intros [H' | H']; num_prop; subst.
    clear H0. revert H''. unfold class_of.
    NumSetProps.set_iff. intros [? | ?]; num_prop; auto.

    revert H''. unfold class_of.
    NumSetProps.set_iff. intros [? | ?]; num_prop. subst. auto.
    right. apply class_of_Equal_MapsTo in H. rewrite <- H. auto.

  Lemma NumMap_Equal_Empty_empty : forall elt (t : NumMap.t elt) , NumMap.Empty t -> NumMap.Equal t (NumMap.empty _).
    intros elt t H a.
    find_analyse; find_tac; firstorder.
    assert (NumMap.Empty (NumMap.empty elt)). auto with map. firstorder.

  (* TODO: nettoyer cette preuve !!! *)
  Lemma sameclass_class_of : forall `{WF} x y , sameclass t x y <-> NumSet.In x (class_of t y).
    intros t Hwf x y.

    split; intros.
    - destruct H as [z H H'].

      assert (Hx := class_of_In_repr _ _ H).
      assert (Hy := class_of_In_repr _ _ H').

      revert Hx Hy; unfold class_of; NumSetProps.set_iff; num_prop. intros [? |?] [? |?]; subst; auto.
      clear H.
      assert (h'' := class_of_In_repr' _ _ H'). unfold class_of in h''. revert h''. NumSetProps.set_iff. num_prop. intuition.

      rewrite <- (class_of_Equal_repr _ _ H'). auto.

    - unfold class_of in H.
      unfold class_of', class_of in H.

      revert H. NumSetProps.set_iff. num_prop. intros [? |?]. subst. reflexivity.

      induction (p t) using Z.map_induction_max.
      * assert (H1 := NumMap_Equal_Empty_empty _ t0 H0).
        setoid_rewrite (Z.fold_Equal _ _ _ H1) in H .

        rewrite (NumMapProps.fold_Empty (eqA := NumSet.Equal)) in H; ti_auto.
        clear - H Hwf. revert H. NumSetProps.set_iff. num_prop. intuition. subst.

        auto with map.

      * erewrite (Z.fold_Add_Above (eqA := NumSet.Equal)) in H; ti_auto.
        2 : repeat intro; subst; destruct (fst (equiv t y y0) && fst (equiv t y y1)); try NumSetProps.setdec.
        case_eq (fst (equiv t y x0) && (fst (equiv t y e))); intros; cbn in *; rewrite H2 in *.
        2 :apply IHt0_1; auto.
        revert H. NumSetProps.set_iff; num_prop. intros [? | [? | ?]]; num_prop; subst.

        + clear - H2 Hwf. bool_connectors; rewrite sameclass_equiv in H2;try symmetry; auto. intuition.
        + clear - H2 Hwf. bool_connectors; rewrite 2 sameclass_equiv in H2;try symmetry; auto. intuition.
        + apply IHt0_1. auto.

  End protect.
End PosDisjointSets.