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(*       Copyright 2009-2011: Thomas Braibant, Damien Pous.               *)

Properties and tactics about algebraic structures with converse.
In particular,
  • converse_down pushes converses down to leaves
  • switch add converses on both sides of an (in)equation, and pushes converses down to leaves

Require Import Common.
Require Import Classes.
Require Import Graph.
Require Import SemiLattice.
Require Import SemiRing.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.

Section ISR.

  Context `{CISR: ConverseIdemSemiRing}.

  Lemma conv_compat' A B (x y: X A B): x` == y` -> x == y.
    intro H.
    rewrite <- (conv_invol x).
    rewrite <- (conv_invol y).
    apply conv_compat; exact H.

  Hint Rewrite conv_dot conv_plus conv_invol: converse_down.

  Ltac switch :=
    match goal with
      | |- _ ` == _ ` => apply conv_compat
      | |- _ == _ => apply conv_compat'
    end; autorewrite with converse_down.

  Existing Instance dot_compat_c.
  Lemma conv_one A: one A` == 1.
    rewrite <- (dot_neutral_left_c ((one A)`)).
    switch. apply dot_neutral_left_c.
  Hint Rewrite conv_one: converse_down.

  Lemma conv_zero A B: zero B A` == 0.
    transitivity ((dot B A A 0 (0`))`).
    symmetry. apply dot_ann_left_c.
    autorewrite with converse_down. apply dot_ann_left_c.
  Hint Rewrite conv_zero: converse_down.

  Instance CISR_ISR: IdemSemiRing G.
    intros. constructor. constructor.
    apply dot_compat_c.
    apply dot_assoc_c.
    apply dot_neutral_left_c.
    intros. switch. apply dot_neutral_left_c.
    apply CISR_SL.
    apply dot_ann_left_c.
    intros. switch. apply dot_ann_left_c.
    apply dot_distr_left_c.
    intros. switch. apply dot_distr_left_c.

  Global Instance conv_incr A B:
  Proper ((leq A B) ==> (leq B A)) (conv A B).
    unfold leq.
    intros x y H.
    rewrite <- H at 2. rewrite conv_plus. apply plus_com.

  Lemma conv_incr' A B (x y: X A B): x` <== y` -> x <== y.
    intro H.
    rewrite <- (conv_invol x).
    rewrite <- (conv_invol y).
    apply conv_incr; exact H.

End ISR.

the push converses down to leaves
Ltac converse_down :=
  repeat (
    rewrite conv_invol ||
    rewrite conv_dot ||
    rewrite conv_plus
  repeat (
    rewrite conv_one ||
    rewrite conv_zero

add converses on both sides, and push converses down to leaves
Ltac switch :=
  match goal with
    | |- _ ` == _ ` => apply conv_compat
    | |- _ == _ => apply conv_compat'
    | |- _ ` <== _ ` => apply conv_incr
    | |- _ <== _ => apply conv_incr'
  end; converse_down.

Section KA.

  Context `{KA: ConverseKleeneAlgebra}.

  Existing Instance CISR_ISR.

  Lemma star_destruct_left_old' A B (a: X A A) (b c: X A B): b+a*c <== c -> a#*b <== c.
    intro H; transitivity (a#*c).
     rewrite <- H; semiring_reflexivity.
     apply star_destruct_left_c.
     rewrite <- H at -1; auto with algebra.

  Lemma conv_star A (a: X A A): a# ` == a` #.
    apply leq_antisym.

    rewrite <- (dot_neutral_right (a#)).
    apply star_destruct_left_old'.
    rewrite <- star_make_left_c at 2. semiring_reflexivity.

    rewrite <- (dot_neutral_right (a`#)).
    apply star_destruct_left_old'.
    rewrite <- star_make_left_c at 2. semiring_reflexivity.

  Global Instance CKA_KA: KleeneAlgebra G.
    constructor. apply CISR_ISR.
    apply star_make_left_c.
    apply star_destruct_left_c.
    intros. switch. rewrite conv_star.
    apply star_destruct_left_c. switch. assumption.

End KA.

override, to take conv_star into account
Ltac converse_down ::=
  repeat (
    rewrite conv_invol ||
    rewrite conv_star ||
    rewrite conv_dot ||
    rewrite conv_plus
  repeat (
    rewrite conv_one ||
    rewrite conv_zero